Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Changing Outlook

     Today, driving home from yet another doctors appointment, I thought about my outlook on my life.  Many of you know, I choose to not always "update" or post about what my daily life is about on Social Media.   This is a conscious choice.
In the last 5 years, I've been more instrospective and not having anything to say on certain topics.  I realized that hearing my lung transplant team tell me there was nothing more they could do for me (5 years now), hit me mentally harder than I thought. Yes, I'm determined to prove them wrong, but it does take a toll on one hearing that kind of news.  A person never gets used to it.

     Why post about my daily struggles ? Because no one really needs any more to bring them down. Many choose to allow too much negativity in their daily lives already.
I see no need to be Social about my pain, and anything else that goes along with my many surgeries.
I would rather bear this Cross I've been handed with dignity, and allow you my friends to lift me emotionally throughout the day. That is what friends do, right ?

Plus my Momma always said, if you have nothing nice to say...... in the days of social media- keep scrolling. 

     I find that instead of letting my life get me down, I try to find joy in the simple things- EVERY day.
While I was waiting for my 2nd lung transplant & on oxygen (again), my day started with sitting outside on the step, with a cup of coffee welcoming the sunrise. I could have hit FaceBook with "I didn't sleep again !" or "I'm so tired and exhausted "  instead I find that positive ray of sunshine to brighten my day.

When Nelson drops his tennis ball while I'm eating, I get up and play a few minutes of fetch. My food can wait. Time with Nelson cannot. He's happy, it warms my heart and makes me smile.

My morning is best spent sitting in a lounger outside watching him wait for squirrely or chase lizards.  The simple things can bring so much positive into our lives.

 A simple touch from Larry, or one of his practical jokes warms my heart. It means more than any store bought item he could ever give me. It reinforces our life together, & gives me that much needed boost to keep fighting.

Laughter and smiles- that's the key. So let's stop the name calling, finger pointing, and hatred- life can be negative enough, right?

Closing for the day- Nelson is unhappily on the couch alone & needs loving..


  1. your such a strong lady/ friend..You are always in my prayer..I'm so so glad we got to meet face to face...I have cried with you on the lose of your sweet fur babies and I love you got Nelson..he like the others are so cute, funny and precious..all because of the LOVE you and Larry have given them..I love you...sweet lady HUGS TOO
