Showing posts with label organ recipient. Show all posts
Showing posts with label organ recipient. Show all posts

Friday, June 24, 2011

Have you heard about Rock Scar Love Designs?

     While surfing through FaceBook I found this great page celebrating organ transplant recipients with the coolest T-shirts for us ever!   You can find it at Rock Scar Love  .

This is a company founded by a transplant recipient- for all recipients to celebrate their scars and all that goes with them.  Now you  may think it wrong for someone to make money off our scars- but I wholeheartedly applaud this venture, mainly because it fills a void in promoting awareness. We can actually wear ladies tank tops or t-shirts with great sayings, plus more items to purchase.

She is active in the transplant community as well. I've ordered my shirts and will wear them proudly. After all, as you've heard me say before "I had to die to get these battle scars".

This I "borrowed" from their page:


ock Scar Love is a modern, trend setting clothing company focused on helping individuals with physical, mental and emotional scars to embrace the lessons they represent  We believe that scars are sexy and when embraced they can only change lives for the positive. We look to provide sexy scar owners a way to tell their story and inspire others to live passionate lives.

Our corporate slogan of “You choose” is the heart of human existence … do our lives define us or do we define our lives? Each human is given struggles in life.  Our experiences are our loads to bear…our defining moments.  Do they define us or do we define them? We can all choose to either use our experiences to empower us and make us amazing individuals, or to use them as an excuse for why we can’t do something. Everyone has the capability to choose to live every day, every hour and every moment with passion; to change the aspects of their lives that make them unhappy.  RockScar Love Designs challenges fans to take their life struggles and use them as a stepping stone to greatness.

Tshirt, women’s tanks, burnout tees or accessories…we have a way for you to rock your scar with love!

There is currently a giveaway  on their page for a great tank top. Please check it out and enter! giveaway

Thursday, April 8, 2010

National Organ Donor Awareness Month

April is our month. Our nationally recognized month to promote organ donation/transplantation. Our one time to go above and beyond to make sure those who are still "waiting and dying" for a life saving organ get the chance we've had.  Or in my case the "many chances" I've had.
       I recently posted this on my Facebook page, Bette Luksha-Gammell wants to know. If you could go back to a crossroad in your life, would you go or would you take the same path knowing the outcome?
I posted this mainly to see what the responses would be. As I suspected the replying comments were from friends in the transplant community.  We all,  candidates & recipients have a common mental bond with this question. We seem to immediately apply questions such as this to the desicions we made on our health. The meaning in effect is that transplantation is our life. Our one true goal is to live. Not just to survive, but to Live.
        Along with this goal is the obligation to spread the word about organ donation. We must give back. Someone was spreading the word while we lay too sick to do so. They helped us to survive long enough to Live. Now, we must all join the fight to make sure those waiting get their chance at Life as well.
It is necessary to dispel the negative rumors still in circualtion regarding organ donation.
       As I write this, the current total for those waiting has hit 106,886! 
The total number of transplants in January 2010 was a mere 2,198.  Is it any wonder so many "die waiting"?
I could have been in this category three times. Yet, I was Blessed with a perfect match each and every time. Like many of you, transplantation changed my thought processes, my ideals and goals. At the age of 31 I could actually dream of a future. I got this wonderful spring in my step, this joy for life. The simple things that meant so much before, well their meaning has reached astronomical proportions. Facing death, a person learns what is important and to never take anything or anyone for granted.
Live like you were dying. We know the true depth of this statement. Enjoy and cherish each and every memory -good, bad and otherwise. For you might not have been here to even endure them.

      But most importantly-GIVE BACK. PAY IT FORWARD.. Give someone the chance to experience all the obstacles this life has to offer.  Promote organ donation/transplantation.  Sign an organ donor card and tell your family. One day you may wake to find a loved one needs that life saving donation. Please don't wait until that time to sign that card. Do it now... You won't regret it.

Share your life....... Share your decision.... Recycle yourself......