Showing posts with label SICU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SICU. Show all posts

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Today is the First Day of The Rest OF My Life

     How many times have we all said that ? A more apt question is: How many times have we actually understood the meaning of that sentence and carried it out?
     Every time I hear those words I wonder. Today I am 20 years old. Well , in all truthfulness it is the 20th anniversary of my first lung transplant- or my Lungiversary.
     On this day 20 years ago my life as I knew it changed forever!  I remember waking up in SICU on a respirator. Major panic! I had never been on a respirator before in my life, and honestly never considered this might happen to me. I remember after 3 days them attempting to remove the respirator, only to have my new lungs fill with fluid. Now I've always been the type you simply do NOT touch my nose! The nurse did try to prepare me for the placing of a tube down my nose into my lungs. To my defense  this was after little cooperation from her with regards to telling a person heavily medicated on pain meds to "hold your mask up so you get oxygen"  My addled mind kept trying to tele -communicate to her that I couldn't get the strap around my head. The rest is history. I woke up back on a respirator (most depressing day) and later was told - laughingly by my Dr. that as the nurse touched my nose with the tube, I punched her and tried to run away dragging machines and all. He said he had no idea that a person as sick as I was had that much strength.

      This was me on October 24, 1991. Not my best pre-birthday photo. But I got the best present anyone could ever ask for. I lived. I was so swollen from the Prednisone and massive amounts of immunosuppression that my family barely recognized me.  If you've never been intubated, believe me it is nothing like you see on the TV medical dramas. Either that or my drug induced foggy mind developed one horror story photo for me to remember the day they pulled that tube out. 

      After a few more days of trying to get my lungs to work, they removed this yet again. My Dr. sat on the edge of my bed calmly telling me that I may end up back here. Not everyone gets to stay out.  All the time I was thinking "Not me! No way! This fella has no idea who he's dealing with!"  I left and never looked back.
I later found out that my family was told the lungs I received had been badly damaged in the accident, but as my lungs were already removed and I was at the point of no return they put in the donated lungs. There was a strong chance I would be back on a respirator awaiting a re- transplant.   I knew I was a strong person, but I began to realize just how strong I truly was, mentally and emotionally.
     Yes there were pitfalls. I had a serious bout of rejection that I slept through (thankfully) . The Dr mentioned to my Daddy he may want to say an extra prayer because at that time it was all up to God. Thankfully He still considers me a work in progress with alot more work left to do here.  I did come out of that episode with my sat's at 100% and stayed that way.

     All I know of my donor was she was 34 years old, a white female, she died in a tragic accident, and we were a perfect match. It was all up to me to keep what she gave me so unselfishly  healthy and live my life as if I were dying. Every moment to the fullest!

So.. the next time you say, Today is the First Day of the Rest of MY Life will you live it differently?